
In cooperation with partners, the FANS, a.s. company offers design activities and complex delivery of cogeneration units.
The cogeneration unit is technologically advanced equipment used for combined heat and power production. The major contribution of co-generation is better usage of fuel heat energy (natural gas, biogas, or residual gas). During the fuel incineration, not only the electric energy is used, but the waste heat as well, which is then used for heating or air conditioning of buildings, water heat-up, or for other technological purposes.
The electricity produced by the cogeneration unit has a wide range of uses: it is used for building energy needs where the unit is placed, it is also delivered to grid, or can be used as a standby resource.
Main benefits of cogeneration units:
- High efficiency (up to 90% of fuel thermal energy is used)
- Saving in primary fuel on a local and global scale
- Safety and low burden on the environment
Our services in the area of designing and delivery of cogeneration units:
- Expert consultancy, studies and audits
- Feasibility studies: more complex analyses, project financial models, proposals of technical solution, etc.
- Engineering, preparation of project: basic design and detail design
- Procurement: delivery of complete units including technologies, machines and components, services, and human resources (production, completion, transport)
- Construction: assembly and commissioning, project management, supervision, guarantee tests
- Personnel special training, technical assistance during the equipment operation.
- Warranty and post-warranty service
- Project financing in cooperation with international banks
In the area of cogeneration, we use the know-how and long-term experience of our ENKOM subsidiary. ENKOM is an engineering company with a focus on the export of technological equipment and turn-key deliveries in the area of energy industry: