Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
FANS, a.s. is continuously extending its capacity and know-how in the area of comprehensive deliveries of complete industrial plants and equipment for power plants and industry.
At present, the company has a solid technical, manufacturing, and administrative background, so it is capable of providing any “turn-key” projects in a comprehensive and professional manner, always including a responsible and individual approach to each customer.
We offer services within the entire product lifetime of the EPC contract. We prepare studies and designing based on real experience. During the deliveries of equipment and technologies, we cooperate with verified and experienced global suppliers, and we use the latest findings and the most up-to-date technologies in every project. We provide engineering support in each phase of construction, assembly supervision, technical support during commissioning, and many other services.
Our main activities:
- Expert consultancy, studies and audits, feasibility studies
- Engineering, preparation of projects: basic design and detail design
- Procurement: deliveries of complete units including technologies, components, services, and human resources (production, completion, transport)
- Construction: assembly and commissioning, including guarantee tests
- Project management, supervision
- Personnel special training, technical assistance during the equipment operation
- Warranty and post-warranty service
- Project financing in cooperation with international banks