Membership in Organizations

Membership in Organizations
FANS, a.s. is an active member in both local and international trade organizations which provide platforms for the exchange of experience and cooperation of expert personnel, and which represent a significant opportunity to boost the company’s global position.
Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) is a global organization that joins manufacturers of cooling systems and equipment. The essential interest of CTI and its members is the technological development in the given areas: equipment output increase, design optimization, reduction of environmental burden. The CTI mission also includes the support of schooling, research and development, and standardization in this area. The CTI also provides testing and power certification of cooling towers (STD-201). See more information about CTI:
Member since 2007
Eurovent Association is an organization joining representatives of the cooling, air-conditioning, and ventilation industry, representing interests of national associations from European and non-European countries. The Eurovent represents, enforces, and defends interests of the cooling industry at relevant European and national bodies and institutes, and cooperates with other European associations. See more information about Eurovent:
Member since 2014
Association of Industrial Plant Suppliers (SDIC - Sdružení dodavatelů investičních celků) is the platform for the promotion of common interests of its members in the area of complete industrial plants delivery for export and inland market. The SDIC representatives contact and negotiate with the state economic and political management representatives, as well as other institutes representatives acting in the area of complete industrial plant delivery. See more information about SDIC:
Member since 2013
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic (SPD - Svaz průmyslu a dopravy ČR) is the largest employer union in the Czech Republic, representing a major part of the Czech industry and transport. Its mission is to affect economic and social politics of the government of the Czech Republic with the goal of creating optimum conditions for dynamic business development in the Czech Republic and defending common interests of its members. See more information about SPD:
The SNS Chamber is a non-state, standalone, and independent legal entity, including members such as industrial companies as well as commercial banks, insurance companies and consultant firms. The goal of the Chamber is the support of Czech business entities and their business activities in markets of given countries. In particular, it emphasizes support of export to such territories. See more information about the SNS Chamber: