Quality Policy, EMS and OHSAS

Quality Policy, EMS and OHSAS
As its primary task, the FANS a s. company considers continuous satisfaction of requirements and needs of customers, end users, and our partners. A policy of continuous product quality improvement has been added, both in the technical area and in the area of the operation economy of its products, bringing favourable results for the customer.
The company’s strategy is to be close to the customer, offer “tailored” products, and resolve any needs of the customer in this area. The intention is to be a coveted business partner and a reliable supplier.
The FANS, a.s. company has its own design and development processes and at the same time actively monitors new findings of science and research, cooperates with research institutes and ČVUT university, and aims to apply the findings in its products, as well as to continuously extend the assortment of offered products and services.
The final achievements of the FANS a.s. company are a common work of the company’s employees who are provided with suitable creative environment conditions. The creative environment is an essential condition of the company development and continuous improvement of its production quality. With its individual approach to employees and work groups, the company aims to increase their qualification, which is the foundation-stone for satisfying the needs of our customers. It develops team work and encourages all employees to accept responsibility for the quality of products.
The FANS, a.s. company preferably cooperates with verified suppliers and makes sure all purchased materials, sub-deliveries and services meet its adopted policy of quality control. It attempts to improve the quality systems of its suppliers and subcontractors based on regular assessment and selection.
The FANS, a.s. company has implemented and continuously improves the quality control system, which aims to reach a high level of quality and reliability of our products and services. The strategic goal of the company is to become a market leader within the Central European and East European territories and a significant partner of the Asian and African parts of the world. For this reason, the company improves its ISO 9001 system as well as its organizational structure and valuation by its customers. Most recently, it gained a certificate for steel structure welding and certificate of production control compliance.
The FANS, a.s. company is a company with a positive approach to the environment and a safe working environment. It is aware of the responsibility for keeping the environment for future generations and for ensuring a safe working environment. Every year, it expends significant financial resources for the environmental protection both from its own resources and from endowment resources/programs. For this reason, it has implemented and continuously improves its environmental protection system based on the ISO 14001 standard, and the occupational health and safety management system based on the OHSAS 18001 standard.
As part of the minimization of the company’s activities impact to the environment, including prevention, and to providing a safe working environment, the FANS, a.s. company commits to the following:
- observe relevant legal regulations, directives, and other requirements
- set goals and create programs for their implementation
- continuously improve and prevent the environment contamination
- prevent injuries and occupational diseases
- conduct its business activities in a manner protecting occupational health and safety of employees, business partners, and company surroundings
- continuously improve the working environment (safe work), and prevent risks
- use easily degradable and nature-friendly means in its production
- communicate its policy to business partners and the public
The FANS, a.s. company management commits to assure this quality policy fulfilment. The environment policy and the occupational safety policy are the commitment of all employees in the company.
Ing. Peter Singhoffer
Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors